Bengal Bash Pre-season Soccer Jamboree
February 29, 2020

2020 Bengal Bash High School Soccer Jamboree
General Information
- Spectator Admission for the 2020 Bengal Bash Soccer Jamboree will be $7. This admission will allow spectators entrance to all scheduled matches throughout the day.
- There is NO bleacher seating at Fields 1 or 2; please ask spectators to bring portable / camping chairs for seating.
- There is an on-sight concession stand and area.
- Public restrooms are available, but there are NO locker room facilties.
- There will be an athletic trainer available.
- All Buses are asked to please drop off teams in the round about, and then park in the upper parking lot located on the right as you enter the Smith River Sports Complex.
Format and Rules
1. Each team will play 3 matches during the Bengal Bash Soccer Jamboree.
2. Each Junior Varsity match will last for 30 minutes, and each Varsity match will last for 40 minutes.
3. There will be NO half-time or break during the match; the 30 or 40 minutes will be played continuous without intentional interruption.
4. Due to time constraints, the schedule is set on a 50-60 minute rotation. There will be NO structured warm-up time on the pitch prior to the match, with the exception of the opening matches. Teams playing the opening matches will be allowed to take the pitch 30 minutes prior to the match.
5. The team deemed the home team according to the schedule should wear dark uniforms and provide a ball or two to be used as gameballs for that specific match. The team deemed the visiting team according to the schedule should wear a white uniform for the match.
6. ALL teams should be at their designated playing site / (bench) at least 5 minutes prior to scheduled match time, and be prepared to kick-off at the scheduled match time.
7. If a player should be sent off (red card / ejected), that player will NOT be allowed to participate in any remaining matches that his or her designated team has scheduled.
ALL VHSL rules and sanctions shall apply to the matches played in the Bengal Bash Soccer Jamboree.
Time Field Div. Visitor Home
10:00 am 1 JVG Rustburg Brookville
10:00 am 2 JVB Rustburg Brookville
10:00 am 4 JVG Carroll County Bassett
10:00 am 5 JVB Carroll County Bassett
10:45 am 1 JVG Carroll County Brookville
10:45 am 2 JVB Carroll County Brookville
10:45 am 4 JVG Rustburg Bassett
10:45 am 5 JVB Rustburg Bassett
11:30 am 1 VG Rustburg Brookville
11:30 am 2 VB Rustburg Brookville
11:30 am 4 VG Carroll County Bassett
11:30 am 5 VB Carroll County Bassett
12:30 pm 1 JVG Brookville Bassett
12:30 pm 2 JVB Brookville Bassett
12:30 pm 4 JVG Rustburg Carroll County
12:30 pm 5 JVB Rustburg Carroll County
1:15 pm 1 VG Carroll County Brookville
1:15 pm 2 VB Carroll County Brookville
1:15 pm 4 VG Rustburg Bassett
1:15 pm 5 VB Rustburg Bassett
2:05 pm 1 VG Brookville Bassett
2:05 pm 2 VB Brookville Bassett
2:05 pm 4 VG Rustburg Carroll County
2:05 pm 5 VB Rustburg Carroll County